

Exam Preparation Tips:  How to Study to pass exam at last  moment. -10 Tips to Pass exam     1. Give yourself enough time to Study Don't leave it until the last minute. While some students do seem to thrive on last-minute cramming, it's widely accepted that (for most of us) this is not the best way to approach an exam. To help sort out your time management, set up a timetable for your study. Write down how many exams you have and the days on which you have to sit them. Then organize your study accordingly. You may want to give some exams more study time than others, so find a balance that you feel comfortable with. Time to Study   2. Organize your study space  Make sure you have enough space to spread your notes, books and copies. Do you have enough light ? Is your chair comfortable ? Are you feeling cold or warm ?  Try and get Rid of all the distractions and sit comfortable. Close the door and don't let anyone get in. For some people, this means complete silence

YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel Started For Developers and Tech Enthusiasts in Nepal YouTube Channel Hello everyone. I have been learning Android App Development for some months now and I have done some projects. I felt that learning android app development from native English speakers was hard. It would have been easy to understand if some contents were explained in our native language i.e Nepali. So I have started a YouTube channel to provide such content and courses in Nepali language for Nepali Tech Enthusiasts, developers and Nepali programmers who want to be an expert in the field of Android development and start their career in it. Please do LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE.

Priya Sufi (प्रिय सुफी) by Subin bhattarai- Book review

Priya Sufi (प्रिय सुफी) by Subin Bhattarai - Book review Priya Sufi by Subin Bhattarai समर लभ , साया , मनसुन जस्ता उत्कृस्ट कृति लेखेका सुबिन भट्टराईको अर्को कृति हो प्रिय सुफी ।एउटी कतिले गाडीमा यात्रा एउटा केटाले आफ्नो ज्यानको माया नगरी सहजै त्याग्ने कोसिस गरेको सुनेपछि केटाका बुबा आमा र केटालाई एउटा कथा सुनाउने प्रसङ्ग बाट उपन्यासको मुख्य भाग  सुरु हुन्छ। यस किताबमा सदा नाम गरेकी पात्रले रोगको कारण दुई वर्ष ओछ्यानमा केहि गर्न नसक्ने गरि लम्पसार परेर उसले त्यो समयमा भोगेको अनुभबहारुलाई सरल र मार्मिक ढंगमा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ । पात्रले भोगेको सारीरिक कठिनाइ , उसले सानै देखि बुझ्न नसकेको उसको परिवारजनको माया , जस्तो परिस्थितिमा पनि आफुलाई प्रेम गर्न सक्छ भन्ने सोचेको उसको प्रेमीले छोडेर गएको ब्यथा र जीवनबाटनै हार खाने मनोस्थितिलाइ लेखकले दर्साएका छन्। "आफ्नो युनिभर्सिटीमा जिन्दगि नाउको बिसय पढिराख, एक दिन पास हुनेछौ" यो लाइने जिन्दगीमा हार खाएर जिन्दगी संग जित्न सकिदै भन्ने मान्छेलाई राम्रो सिक दिएको छ । येस्ता धेरै भागहरु छन् जहाँ लेखकले रुवाएका पनि छन् , रिस पनि उठाएका छन् ,

Boy of Streets - Poem by Rojan Dahal

Boy of streets - Rojan Dahal Everywhere is my home Without walls and neither a window But no smaller than yours It has all the comforts that the world knows There is no doorbell nor a door Not even someone who cares and to knock The floor is pitched and some parts green my food is there and a bed to sleep Your friends drive pass by And mine bark at them All admire your fragrance But mine they hate My father is a chef of the god and mother his maid Yours work untiringly But mine they rest You didn’t choose your life Neither did I Your happiness lies Within the boundaries Made from the mud of my floor But mine fly as high as the sky

Trapped in Darkness - Poem by Rojan Dahal

TRAPPED IN DARKNESS The world hasn’t been kind lately, Life has taken a turn It doesn’t seem to be light every day, My heart feels a dark burn The world is full of terror, Yes, there is brightness too But why do I keep on getting the gloom, Whenever and wherever I step on to The feeling can’t be expressed, Neither it be retained, There has to be some enlightened passage, To drive me out of this daunting hell The wind feels so parched, The water feels thirsty, The setting doesn’t seem to hold me When the monster grabs from within I don’t like to be this way, Neither I can turn back the way I must only look forward Which even leads to thornier way.


Mental Health in Nepal Introduction We are currently living in a world where one out of four people is affected by some kind of mental illness or mental disorder. Among them, 3 out of 4 people don't receive proper treatment or proper counselling. Neuropsychiatric conditions account for 13% of total disability-adjusted life year (DALYs) lost due to all-disease and injuries and is likely to increase to 15% with depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, panic disorder, phobias have neutralized people to perform in any task, engage in creative works, coping with normal stress in life, and to be economically and socially productive. The possibility of mental disorder in people is very high in the developing or underdeveloped countries like Nepal due to lack of efficient mental health services, diagnostics, treatment and availability of human resources to address the mental health issues. Suicide is the second most common cause of death among young people globally. Nepal has the seventh-hi


                COMPUTER ENGINEERING NOTES! UPDATED NOTES Hello! This is Rojan Dahal presenting you the notes of almost all subjects of Computer Engineering. These notes are specially made for Pokhara University but it can be used by TU, KU, PU as well. These notes are collected from different source and organized into this folder in drive. For easy access! You can select any note and just click on Add to My Drive to easily access through your own drive and whenever I update the notes it will automatically update in your drive too. Click on the link below for the notes. LINK-----> Engi neering Notes Best of luck and read hard! For any queries feel free to drop a comment or mail. Engineering Notes for Nepal, Notes For Pokhara University, Engineering Notes, Tribhuwan University, Bachelor of Civil Engineering,  Computer Science and Engineering Notes, Mechanical Engineering Notes, Electronics and Electrical Engineering Notes, Nepal Engineering College Notes, NCIT